About Us

About Our Animals

We provide lifelong, loving care to animals who had been thrown away before landing in rescue. The horses are aged and are here as pasture pals to the cows and donkeys. They all, except the cows, were adopted from other 501(c)3 rescues. 

The cows are another story: they were purchased from a working dairy farm, and they would have been sent for beef when they were not very old. The reason is that they are freemartin heifers (females); they were born as a twin to a bull (male) calf whose male hormones disrupted their female hormones, rendering these girls sterile and unable to be bred. These three cows joined us last year and are here for the rest of their lives, which could be as long as 21 years. 

Our animals' mission with us is to educate our followers on empathy for farm animals.


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